Mike Jones

Mike Jones

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If You're Fired, Would You Stay Around To Train Your Replacement?

Overworked.Troubles with business, failure on audition, young businessman is fired. Solving difficult problem, stress on workplace and workaholism concept. Making mistake, having headache and migraine

Photo: Inside Creative House / iStock / Getty Images

Some people in management have no sense of reality and a lot of nerve.

A guy on Reddit shared the story about how he was fired from his job, but then it got even worse. Management asked him to stay for two weeks to train his replacement! He said no and left immediately. Then they called him "unprofessional" and said he wasn't leaving on good terms. YOU FIRED HIM! What did you expect?!

I don't blame the guy one bit for leaving immediately. I would have left after some choice words that really showed how "unprofessional" I can be. To hell with them!

You can read the whole thread on Reddit by clicking here. And to the guy that got fired: you're going to be better off without having to listen to those morons!

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